Stillwell Star

Combining his love for cigars and pipes, Steve Saka has created Stillwell Star, the world's first luxury pipe tobacco cigar. Sparing no expense, the cigars are blended to specifically showcase and enhance the nuances that each of the pipe blends add to the cigar

Aromatic No. 1 The finest of aromatic Black Cavendish, Golden Virginia, and Burley pipe tobaccos added to a mild, Nicaraguan puro to provide a delightfully smooth and exceptionally room pleasing note making it not only a joy for the smoker but for those around them.

English No. 27 A quintessential mix of Burley and Turkish leaf with a generous portion of Cypriot Latakia pressed cake paired with Nicaraguan cigar tobaccos. Rich and decadent while not being overpowering, this is a Latakia-Lover’s puro worthy of being smoked in an English Manor House beside the fire.

Bayou No. 32 A combination of Bright and Red Virginia leaf with the most select St. James Parish Perique pipe tobacco added to a medium-bodied Nicaraguan puro. This liga begins the mildest of all, but the Perique really kicks up in the end with a spicy finish. It rewards the smoker with that classic “VaPer” combination of zest and umami that is entrancing for the discerning palate.

Navy No. 1056 A crumble cake of stoved Red and Golden Virginia tobaccos with a touch of “Naval Rations” combined with Orientals and Latakia expertly blended with dark air-cured black cigar leaf. This puro rewards the smoker with a unique, medium-bodied aromatic indulgence.

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