Sin Compromiso
When Steve Saka created the Liga Privada line of cigars for Drew Estate Cigars, he made what he felt was the perfect cigar. Fast forward over a decade and Saka have done it again, this time for his own company, and Sin Compromiso is that cigar. From the cultivation of distinct and unique tobaccos to the careful working of these prized leaves to allowing only the very best torcedors to hand craft each cigar. The result is a truly unique, complex cigar that is smooth, yet strong at the very same time. It delivers a captivating and entrancing smoke for the experienced palate with flavors that are constantly swirling and changing from puff to puff. At its core is an inherent sweetness paired with a savory spiciness, but hidden within its layers are notes of cocao, espresso, loam and even chicory root.
Wrapper: Nicaraguan
Binder: Ecuadorian
Filler: Nicaraguan
Strength: Medium Bodied