Davidoff Escurio Now Available!
Davidoff’s latest release, Escurio, has shipped to retailers and is expected to arrive in stores between the 24th and 29th of July. This is the second release of the “black label” band following up the highly acclaimed Davidoff Nicaragua. Having smoked a sample of the Escurio Robusto, I expect it to receive a similar praise that was given to it’s predecessor. Escurio is offered in 3 sizes, Petit Robusto (3 1/4 x 50), Robusto (4 1/2 x 54) and Gran Toro (5 1/2 x 58) and will be priced at $8.50, $15.90 and $17.90 per cigar respectively.
Here is some additional information regarding Escurio:
Inspired by Zino Davidoff’s pioneering spirit, and his openness for experiencing the new, Davidoff Cigars continues their mission to allow the modern aficionado to experience innovative, unique blends and unforgettable cigars. Cigars that will fill time beautifully. And memorably.
That mission led Davidoff to set a new challenge for their Master Blenders: to craft an exciting Brazilian cigar that delivers an intense, spicy sweet palate stimulation, coupled with the signature Davidoff refinement and sophistication.
They found their inspiration in Rio, the soul of Brazil, and in the rhythms, intrigue, and rich experiences of its nights. And, just like an adventurous evening in this vibrant city, this complex and original cigar will carry you along on a taste adventure with unexpected twists and turns.
Discover the rhythm, intrigue and originality of a Rio night. Discover the new Davidoff Escurio.
Davidoff Escurio is now available to order online and is expected to be in stores shortly. To order online visit www.emersonscigars.com