October New Releases
All of us at Emerson’s Cigars are committed to bringing you the latest and greatest cigars. Here are a few of the new releases from top companies like Rocky Patel, Davidoff, Camacho, San Cristobal and Kristoff. You can find these great products, and much more, at emersonscigars.com and your favorite Emerson’s Cigars location soon.
Rocky Patel released two new cigars this month, the Platinum and the Nimmy D.
The Platinum is a beautifully box pressed medium full body cigar that starts with rich, earthy undertones with lots of complexity. In the Platinum’s complexity, you will find notes of sweet spice, cinnamon and coffee. Completing the crescendo of the Platinum is a nice smooth finish.
The Nimmy D, blended by Rocky Patel’s cousin Nimish Desai, is a full bodied cigar with full, rich notes of pepper, cedar and finishes with licorice and earthy undertones. The cigars powerful profile is derived from a unique combination of Nicaraguan Habano wrapper, Honduran filler, and Nicaraguan binder.
Camacho, on the heels of their recent brand re-launch, unveiled the Camacho Corojo Maduro. Taking advantage of full bodied flavorful Corojo Maduro tobacco with Corojo binder and filler, the Corojo Maduro is accompanied by a dense profile of earth with a rich note of spiced pepper. The profile then transitions to woody tones with a sweet satisfying finish.
Davidoff has a lot to celebrate this year. The release of the Davidoff Nicaragua was a huge success and the company will soon be releasing the Year of the Horse, the sequel to the overwhelmingly popular Year of the Snake. In addition to these two great cigars, the company is also celebrating 25 years of Davidoff in the United States with the Davidoff of Geneva 25th Anniversary cigar. For this cigar, Davidoff drew on their stock of extra aged Dominican tobaccos to create a timeless cigar. Limited to 3,000 ten count boxes and featuring Davidoff’s signature Yamasá wrapper, the Davidoff of Geneva 25th provides a unique and complex taste experience.
This month, Ashton released the San Cristobal Revelation, the third cigar in the San Cristobal portfolio. Blended by the Garcia family at My Father Cigars in Estelí, Nicaragua, the Revelation is wrapped in Ecuadorian Sumatra tobacco, with Nicaraguan binder and filler giving the cigar a sweet and hearty profile.
Released this month by Kristoff Cigars, the Kristoff Galerones Series consists of 4 different blends: Ceniza De Plata, DR4, Intensivo and Sentido. With a diverse flavor profile and varying strengths, there is sure to be a Galerones Series cigar to please everyone! From the Mild DR4 to the full bodied Intensivo and everything in between, the Galerones Series offers a unique experience for aficionados.