Nording Pipe Show Event Recap
- Nording Pipes On Dispaly
- Nording Pipes On Display
- Mr. Nording Talking Pipes
- Rocky Patel Nording 50th Anniversary Cigars
- Attendees Looking At Pipes
- Checking Out The Churchwardens
- Example Of The Briar Used
- Nording Pipes On Display
- Mr. Nording And Guest
- Nording Bobblehead
- Mr. Nording And Ben Harper!
- Mr. Nording And Tinker Bell
- Mr. Nording Signing Pipes
- Mr. Nording And Edmitri
- Mr. Nording And Scotty
- Mr. Nording And Guest
We would like to thank everyone who braved the dreadful weather and came out to our Nording Pipe Show last Saturday. A special thanks to Kimber Bell from Rocky Patel and the legendary Erik Nording. Kimber brought samples of the soon to be released Rocky Patel Nording 50th Anniversary cigar and Mr. Nording brought a beautiful array of his handmade pipes. Mr. Nording took the time to meet, greet and talk pipes with all who attended and it was an honor to have him at Emerson’s Cigars. Check out the event photos in our gallery, and see you at the next Pipe Show!