Holiday Sampler Extravaganza!
Cigar samplers always make a wonderful gift, allowing aficionados the golden opportunity to try something new, or enjoy cigars they love.
We have a phenomenal selection of cigar samplers from top brands such as CAO, Macanudo, Alec Bradley, and Partagas. To make these samplers even more appealing, the Macanudo, Partagas, and Alec Bradley samplers all include a free lighter, which cigar enthusiasts can never have too many of!
The “Best Of” samplers feature an assortment of cigars from some of the most well known brands in the cigar industry. The “Best of Honduras” sampler includes cigars from Punch, Hoyo de Monterrey, and Excalibur. The “Best of Nicaragua” sampler includes five blends from CAO Cigar, all of which use Nicaraguan tobacco. Rounding out this fantastic series is the “Best of Dominican”, which includes cigars from Macanudo, Partagas, and La Gloria Cubana. With such a vast assortment at the wonderful price of $29.99 each, the “Best of” samplers are sure to please anyone who enjoys a quality handmade cigar.
You can find these stellar samplers and more at any one of our five Hampton Roads locations as well as