From Cuba to Nicaragua to Your Humidor, Oliva Cigar Company

Oliva Cigar Company produces one of the most comprehensive cigar lines in production today. Whether you are a mild, medium, or full bodied connoisseur, Oliva produces cigars to meet the discerning taste of any enthusiast. While the company is operated out of Nicaragua, their story began in 1886 on the island nation of Cuba, when Melanio Oliva crafted his first cigar. The family remained in Cuba until the 1960’s when the Cuban Revolution forced Melanio’s grandson, Gilberto to leave the nation. After departing Cuba, Gilberto was determined to find a region that could match the distinct taste of Cuban Tobacco. After traveling to various regions all over the world, he settled in Nicaragua where he began replicating the cigars he had produced in Cuba. Fast forward to today, Oliva is a powerhouse in the cigar industry creating several fantastic lines: Oliva Series V, Series G, and the Connecticut Reserve just to name a few. Here is a peek at some of the cigars that make Oliva a standout company.

Group Shot of the V Melanio

It’s nearly impossible to talk about Oliva Cigars without mentioning the phenomenally rated Oliva Series V Melanio. Released in 2012 as a tribute to Melanio Oliva, the V Melanio is a line extension of the popular Series V. The Oliva V Melanio features a beautiful Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper with a Nicaraguan binder and filler tobacco that consists of powerful Jalapa Valley ligero. While the V Melanio is a line extension, it possesses a unique flavor all its own; the use of the Sumatra wrapper gives the V Melanio a great spicy earthy start and a smooth semi-sweet finish.

Oliva Series V in a Tube

The next cigar on the Oliva odyssey is the one and only Oliva Series V. Emulated, but never duplicated, the Series V is full bodied, balanced and unbelievably complex with a cornucopia of notes ranging earth and spice, to dark chocolate and coffee. Wrapped in sun kissed Habano Sun Grown tobacco with Nicaraguan binder and Jalapa Valley ligero filler, the Oliva Series V is available in a plethora of sizes from the small and powerful lancero to the large and unforgettable double robusto. While the regular blend of the Series V is a great cigar, the Series V Maduro is a phenom of smoothness, complexity and flavor. Released once a year, the Series V Maduro utilizes the standard binder and filler of the Series V and combines them with the rich and decadent Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper. The result of this ingenious combination is a cigar that is rich, smooth and remarkably complex.

Oliva Series G Churchill

While the V series is the full bodied portion of Oliva Cigar, the Series G can be summarized as the sweet medium bodied cigar of the company. Utilizing a true African Cameroon wrapper with Habano binder and filler, the G is a perfect medium bodied cigar to pair with wheat beer. The use of African Cameroon tobacco gives the G a fantastic profile of cedar with a sweet coffee finish. If the flavorful profile of the G isn’t enticing enough to snag a box, the exceptional price point of 4 to 7 dollars per stick makes the Series G irresistible. For smokers looking for a little more body, the G Maduro uses a Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper in place of the Cameroon. The change in wrapper gives the G Maduro notes of dark chocolate and coffee with a bittersweet finish.

Oliva Connecticut Reserve Tubos

Oliva Cigar’s commitment to producing quality premium cigars also extends to their mild bodied Connecticut Reserve. Taking advantage of the mild, yet flavorful, Ecuadorian Connecticut tobacco, the Connecticut Reserve is a mild bodied cigar that delivers nutty notes with a slight pepper spice. This cigar has a creamy finish and is an ideal morning cigar for full bodied smokers and a great evening cigar for those who prefer mild bodied cigars.

Oliva cigars are available at all 5 Emerson’s Cigars Hampton Roads locations, as well as