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Davidoff Cigars And Bourbon Social
September 24, 2020 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Join Emerson’s Cigars along with our friends at US 106.1 as we sample spirits as well as tour Tarnished Truth Distillery Company, located in The Cavalier. We will also enjoy Davidoff Cigars on the lawn with appetizers during this event. Space will be limited so get your tickets soon.
$60 ticket includes 2 Davidoff cigars, Distillery Tour, Spirit Tasting, and appetizers during the event.
About Davidoff Cigars:
In their single-minded pursuit to create only the very best cigars, Davidoff believes in the importance of time. Taking precious time to craft an exceptional cigar, and equally taking the time to enjoy that cigar, lies at the very heart of Davidoff’s philosophy. When you light a Davidoff cigar you set aglow the richest tradition of cigar making in the world. You release craftsmanship which could only be achieved by our investment in that most precious of commodities: time. Every cigar has five centuries of the cigar maker’s art folded into its elegant form. In every way, it is time beautifully filled.
About Tarnished Truth Distillery:
It began with an idea, 8 years ago, Virginia Beach natives, Andrew Yancey and Josh Canada set out to craft a Virginia Beach distillery. Partnering with a fellow Virginia native, Bruce Thompson, Gold Key | PHR CEO and founder, led the renovation and revitalization of the Cavalier Hotel. Tarnished Truth holds the distinction of being the first and only distillery in a hotel in the United States. Legendary master distiller, Larry Ebersold, with more than 40 years of experience, leads the distilling team bringing world-class spirits to Virginia Beach.
About Emerson’s Cigars:
Celebrating 45 Years, Emerson’s Cigars is the premier tobacconist in Hampton Roads. From service to selection, Emerson’s Cigars provides much more than just a place to buy cigars. With a selection ranging from classic brands like Davidoff, Rocky Patel, Montecristo, H.Upmann, and Padron to up and coming brands like AJ Fernandez and Crowned Heads, we offer everyday low prices on your favorite sticks.
Refund Policy: Attendees can receive refunds up to 1 day before the event start date. Eventbrite’s fee is nonrefundable.