Cuvée Re-Blended by Davidoff’s Henke Kelner
Cigar master blender and industry great Henke Kelner has updated the blend for Cuvée’s line of cigars which includes Cuvée Rouge, Cuvée Blanc, and Cuvée 151. Kelner, famous for his work with Davidoff, AVO, Winston Churchill, and Zino made headlines last year with his innovative conception and execution of Puro D’Oro.
Every year when Cusano harvests their tobacco, they use the top 10% of leaves to create their line of Cuvée cigars. In fact the word “cuvée” comes from the process of making French champagne where the first 541 gallons of grape juice are considered the crème de la crème. Akin to this philosophy, each cigar is inspected by hand to ensure quality.
All three blends in the Cuvée series offers something a little different. Cuvée Blanc is their mild to medium bodied smoke with creamy flavors and nuttiness throughout from the Shade Grown Connecticut tobacco. The next step up in strength is the medium to full bodied Cuvée Rouge. With a new and rare Habano Rosada wrapper, this cigar is deep and rich with a lingering spice. The full bodied selection from this series is Cuvée 151. This cigar was re-blended using a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, lending some control to that strength.
These cigars along with other Henke Kelner’s masterpieces are available at Emerson’s Cigars. Visit one of five locations in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia or online at