Cigar Review: The Wise Man Maduro Robusto
Today we are reviewing The Wise Man “El Gueguense Maduro from Foundation Cigars, but first a little background info about the brand and cigar.
In 2015 founder and master blender, Nicholas Melillo, started Foundation Cigars Co. by merging old world traditions with modern-day styles and customs to produce unique premium cigars. After traveling the world procuring tobacco, toiling in factories overseeing production, and blending some of the top-rated and best-selling cigars in the industry such as Liga Privada #9, T52, Feral Pig, and others for Drew Estate.
El Gueguense, Spanish for “The Wise Man” actually pronounced “way-when-say,” began as a Nicaraguan puro until the Maduro released in 2017. With a Mexican San Andres for the wrapper, Nicaraguan Coro Jalapa binder, and Jalapa Esteli Filler grown by Aganorsa, The Wise Man maduro would bring a hearty full-flavored cigar to market with smooth tendencies to welcome even the milder of smokers into fuller-bodied cigars.
This firm box-pressed cigar has rounded corners has an oily and toothy wrapper. An explosion of black pepper and cocoa notes with underlining sweet earth that greets you upon light up. When smoking into the first and second third, the pepper, earth, and woodiness stay apparent while the cocoa fades into the background. The smoke continues to amp up into fuller flavors moving into the second third, with slight hints of espresso. In the final third you’ll be welcomed by a building of the cocoa and dark espresso notes to take you into the finish.
If you enjoy a complex cigar that won’t break the bank or wish to introduce yourself to a fuller-bodied cigar, this is a great option. The pepper and spice aren’t off-putting and the sweet undertones keep you wanting more!
You can pick up the El Gueguense Maduro at your local Emerson’s Cigars location or online here.