Cigar Review: E. P. Carrillo 5th Anniversary
Cigar legend E. P. Carrillo is using 2014 to celebrate a considerable company milestone. While he has been in the business of blending cigars for decades, he is celebrating half of decade of blending cigars worthy to bear his name. Since its inception, the EPC Cigar Co and their lines of cigars have garnered considerable praise and accolades from peers and connoisseurs alike. To commemorate this achievement, E.P. Carrillo has released the E.P. Carrillo 5th Anniversary Limited Edition Double Robusto.
Pre-Light: The silky Sumatra wrapper of the EPC 5th Anniversary gives the cigar an eye catching look; the tan wrapper is smooth and uniform in shade, all of which are hallmarks of his cigars. The dual band design is just as attention grabbing as the wrapper of the cigar. While the primary band is inspired by the standard EPC cigar band, the secondary band demarcates the cigar as the limited edition 5th Anniversary with its picturesque scene of tobacco fields. The draw test from the Double Robusto cigar is open and easy with notes of semi-sweet earth with a meandering pepper spice note.
2/3: The individual characters of the EPC 5th Anniversary continue their torrid dance into the second third with an emergence of a more pronounced spice element reminiscent of black pepper with a dash of earth. The retrohale, while sweet and delectable in the first third, takes on a more substantial spice note that manages to reinvigorate the profile of the cigar.
3/3: The final portion of EPC 5th Anniversary continues to build on the trends found in the second third of the cigar. The sweet and savory notes of the first third have fallen completely into the background as notes of earth and pepper spice dominate the cigar’s body. By the final third, the cigar has achieved its zenith of strength topping out as a true full bodied cigar. Overall, the EPC 5th Anniversary is an extremely enjoyable cigar and features the entirety of hallmarks and flavors cigar smokers have come to enjoy from E.P. Carrillo.