Camacho Cigars and Bourbon Social
That’s right, it’s back! This Cigars and Bourbon Social will feature Camacho Cigars at Steinhilber’s in Virginia Beach. Your ticket includes 2 Camacho cigars, a Bourbon flight, and appetizers during the event.
About Camacho Cigars:
From the beginning, Camacho cigars have stood for intense pleasure unleashed. These are badass everyday smokes. Full-colored, all-American in style, these cigars effortlessly deliver full-frontal, all-out flavor – flavor amped up to heights that old-school cigars have never dared climb. If Camacho had a soundtrack it would be loud, loud enough to wake the neighbors and make big dogs howl. We figure, if you’re gonna have a cigar, have a DAMN cigar!
About Steinhilber’s:
In 1939, Robert Steinhilber opened what has become one of the oldest family owned and operated restaurants in Virginia, Steinhilber’s Thalia Acres Inn. Continuing his commitment to service, quality and tradition are his daughter Jeanne and his grandson Brady. Together, they are proud to continue into the future with respect and admiration for traditions of years past.