Best of 2013: Year in Review
It seems like only yesterday 2013 was revving up to be a great year of new releases. Now here I am, near the end December, reminiscing about all of the great new cigars that have hit the shelves and have made an indelible impact on the cigar universe. 2013 can best be surmised as the year of continuing trends, with the interjection of a yearning to return to the classic roots of cigar crafting. The big ring gauge trend of 2012 continued to steam roll in 2013 with large cigars from San Cristobal, Camacho, CLE, CAO and Gurkha.
While companies have continued to meet consumer demand for 60 plus ring gauge cigars, several companies have decided to go against the grain and release traditional sized cigars. Crowned Heads’ JD Howard Reserve, the Kristoff Galerones, and Drew Estate with the release of Herrera Estelí all featured cigars that utilize traditional sizes, which provide aficionados everywhere the opportunity to experience a great cigar in a selection of classic Cuban sizes.
Just like years past, 2013 saw the release of a seemingly unending stream of new blends and new sizes. In addition to new cigars, companies opted to release an assortment of limited edition and exclusive cigars. From Flor de las Antillas MAM-13 to the Camacho Blackout, it seems that there was a limited edition cigar for every taste. While there were plenty of great cigars released this year, there were several that really stood out to me as something special. Every enthusiast has their own list of cigars, the sticks they reach for when they want a cigar they know they will enjoy. Here is my personal list of cigars from 2013 that I feel encompassed the total package of flavor, quality, and elegance. These cigars are not rated in any particular order and may not even be on your cigar radar, so feel free to tell me what cigars of 2013 made your top 5 in the comment section.
The first cigar on my 2013 list comes to us from Ashton with their newest release, the San Cristobal Revelation Prophet. This gorgeous 5 by 54 cigar features a solid blend consisting of an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper with Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos. The chocolate color of the wrapper is further accentuated by the wonderful double band design. The stunning esthetics of the Revelation extends to the cigar’s construction and flavor with an easy draw and a simple, yet delicate, flavor profile of cocoa, with a smooth nutty finish with a hint of cedar on the retrohale. Smooth and medium/full bodied at most, the San Cristobal Revelation is a beautifully crafted cigar that delivers a consistent experience.
While I enjoy the San Cristobal Revelation for its straightforward flavor and quality construction, the next cigar on my 2013 list I enjoy because of its complexity, strength and unique flavor. Scoring high marks from Cigar Aficionado, and ranking number 8 in their “Top 25 Cigars of 2013”, the Herrera Estelí Piramide Fino from Drew Estate is the perfect combination of the opposing forces of spice and sweet, and of savory and bitter, which creates a cigar with a flavor all its own. This delightful cigar is the creation of its namesake, Willy Herrera. While the cigar has a depth of flavor that any aficionado can enjoy, the cigar is also very accessible to those who are new to the world of cigars. With an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Honduran Criollo binder and Nicaraguan filler, Herrera Estelí has a definitive profile of earth, pepper and wood with a leather finish. Medium bodied in strength and balanced in flavor, Herrera Estelí is one of the most unique cigars to come out of the 2013 cigar deluge.
Davidoff Nicaragua has been turning heads ever since its release earlier this year. This cigar is a big deal for the time tested company as it is the first Nicaraguan Puro to bear the prestigious and luxurious Davidoff namesake. The Davidoff Nicaragua utilizes tobacco from the four key tobacco regions of Nicaragua, Estelí, Condega, Jalapa and Ometepe. Couple the tobacco with 10 years of preparation, aging and curing under the careful gaze of Davidoff Masterblender Hendrik Kelner and the result is simply astounding. The Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto Tubo makes it into my top five because it is the perfect combination of Davidoff refinement, with the rustic tobacco of Nicaragua. The Nicaragua Robusto possesses all of the elegant and luxurious qualities that make Davidoff cigars some of the most sought after sticks in the world, while retaining the earthy notes of Nicaraguan tobacco. Bold and hearty, but never overpowering, smooth and refined, but never boring, the Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto Tubo is a great selection for any aficionado who enjoys an unparalleled experience.
Whenever I’m in need a full flavor cigar jammed packed with hints of cocoa, spice, and earth with a coffee finish, I reach for La Hermandad Caballito by El Primer Mundo. This flavorful cigar features a remarkably complex Brazilian Arapiraca wrapper with Nicaraguan binder and filler resulting in a medium bodied cigar with a full flavor profile that is simply unforgettable.
The final cigar on my top 5 of 2013 is a spin on an old classic, Tatuaje TAA 2013 Grand Chasseur. This wonderful cigar was made in celebration of Tatuaje’s ten year anniversary, along with two other sizes. In addition to celebrating this milestone, the Grand Chasseur is an exclusive size made exclusively for member of the Tobacconist Association of America (TAA). While the Grand Chasseur has the same wrapper, binder and filler as the rest of the Tatuaje Miami line, this particular size stands out from the rest with a slightly larger body and size that almost forces a connoisseur to smoke it at a slower pace, thus giving the flavors more time to develop.
If 2013 is an indication of what’s to come in 2014 than it is sure to be one hell of a year. While 2014 will surely be another great year of new releases and great cigars, there are a few obstacles the cigar industry will have to face. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) further expressed its interest in regulating the world of premium cigars in 2013 and will more than likely continue to do so in 2014. In order to help voice your opinion as a cigar connoisseur, it is vital to support Cigar Rights of America (CRA). The CRA gives cigar enthusiasts everywhere a voice in Washington letting Big Government know that cigar aficionados do not want to have the product the love and hold dear regulated into non-existence. Wow, I didn’t mean to end on a downer, so just remember from our family to yours, best wishes in 2014, may it be a prosperous and wonderful year for us all.