Cigar Review: Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed Robusto
When Davidoff Nicaragua was first introduced in 2013, it was meant to give something to the cigar smokers who wanted a more full bodied Davidoff smoking experience. The use of the Nicaraguan tobacco not only gave an increase of flavor, but also an increase of strength and was a huge success for Davidoff. Fast forward to 2016, Davidoff has introduced the Nicaragua Box Pressed, which takes it to the next level of strength. To make this change, an additional leaf of Ligero (the strongest tobacco in a plant) was added to the filler and the Nicaraguan Rosado wrapper was replaced with a Nicaraguan Oscuro wrapper. These small tweaks result in a more intense and spicy blend that that pleasantly stimulates the senses. I know that when Davidoff does something like this, they aren’t looking to go to Nicaragua, buy a bunch of Ligero and create some “knock your head off” blend just to make a stronger cigar. They are going to use the right tobaccos to create a blend that fits the Davidoff portfolio, one that combines all the aspects needed to make a great cigar. The Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed is available currently in two sizes, a 6×52 Toro and a 5×48 Robusto. Today I have the pleasure of smoking this in the Robusto size.
Pre-Light: As one would expect from Davidoff, the cigar is beautifully constructed with a soft box press. The primary band is the same black/silver band as the regular Nicaragua line with an additional band with a copper/black color scheme that says “Nicaragua Box Pressed” with the Nicaragua triangle logo on each side. The draw is fairly easy and I am picking up hints of hay and spice. Let’s light it up.
Right from the initial puff Davidoff lets you know that this is a Nicaraguan cigar. Flavors are bold and there is a nice amount of pepper and spice with just a hint of sweetness to balance it out. Nice open draw allows for huge plumes of smoke with each puff.
Getting in to the second third, the cigar has mellowed just a little in to a more rounded smoke. The strength is still there but it’s either not as intense or my palate has just gotten a little used to it. Retrohale still has a burn to it so I am thinking it may be the latter. Still drawing and burning perfectly and has been extremely enjoyable smoke thus far.
Finishing the cigar I am a bit surprised how strong it is, Davidoff was not kidding about it being a spicier, more intense blend. The draw was perfect the entire time and oddly enough for a box pressed cigar, it didn’t require a single touch up to keep the burn line even. The cigar has a long finish and I could really go for a nice steak dinner and a cocktail right now!
Reflecting on my smoking experience, I am fully impressed by the Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed. The use of the terms “Spicier” and “More Intense” by Davidoff aren’t just marketing tactics, it’s extremely accurate. I am a big fan of the Nicaragua line and this takes it to the next level of flavor and strength. I would highly recommend this not only for Davidoff fans, but for fans of full bodied cigars.
I hope you enjoyed my review, Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed is now available online here and should be on our store shelves here at Emerson’s Cigars very soon. Be sure to follow @emersonscigars on Social Media for all the latest updates or sign up for our mailing list for all the latest specials, deals, events and new cigars releases here