Davidoff Nicaragua Primero Review

Cigar Review: Davidoff Nicaragua Primeros

Smoking cigars when an enthusiast is pressed for time is often the bane of an aficionado’s cigar existence. While it’s nice to enjoy a phenomenal cigar with a cup of coffee or after lunch, it is often difficult to do so due to the distractions and obligations of daily life. This is where cigarillos and small cigars play a vital role for cigar smokers. Small cigars can easily last less than half an hour and pack all of the flavors and aromas cigar smokers know and love. Companies, such as Ashton, Hoyo de Monterrey and countless others, create small cigars variations of some of their most well regarded brands. The crème de la crème of these cigars is easily Davidoff. The company pours the same commitment to luxury into their small cigars as they do with their larger cigars and spares no expense in ensuring the connoisseur experiences Davidoff excellence whether they are enjoying a Double R or Primeros. Last year, Davidoff released the Davidoff Nicaragua, which was well received by aficionados everywhere. The cigar was renowned for its complex profile that was simultaneously robust and yet distinctly Davidoff. This year, the company has compressed all of the Nicaragua’s flavor and profile into their Primeros format. This size, which has been employed in the past for the Davidoff classic line, gives aficionados the opportunity to enjoy the Nicaraguan’s rich profile no matter how pressed for time they may be.

1/2 of Davidoff Nicaragua Prim

Pre-light and 1/2: Before the flame is put to the foot of the cigar, the Primeros exude Davidoff Nicaragua’s distinct notes of earth and with a lingering note that can best be described as the company’s signature aroma. The aroma is light and slightly grassy without becoming musky or unpleasant. The draw of the cigar is perfect, requiring little effort to generate an ideal draw. Once the foot of the cigar is torched and the ember glows its deep orange hue, the cigar rolls right into the tobaccos’ robust notes of earth and cedar with a lingering natural sweetness that is almost buttery. The Nicaraguan tobaccos produce a substantial volume of smoke filling the room with a lingering note of leather and cedar.

Last Half of Davidoff Nicaragua Primeros

2/2 and Conclusion: As the cigar rapidly approaches its end, thus fulfilling the purpose of its design, the fantastic medium bodied notes just keep coming. The final half of the Primeros finishes strong with notes of earth and cedar remaining while the creamy and sweet notes fall into the background leaving me with an ideal medium bodied cigar perfect for those days when I want to enjoy a cigar, but do not necessarily have the time to do so. The whole experience lasted a little less than twenty five minutes and was superb. Davidoff was immensely successful in compressing most of the elements of the Davidoff Nicaragua into the Primeros vitola. The only noticeable variation I could detect between the Primeros and its larger siblings was that the Primeros lacked some of the flavor development of the other sizes. This is to be expected considering the cigar’s size. Since the cigar is small, it cannot afford to expend precious time for lengthy flavor development. The cigar must open bold and finish strong, which the Davidoff Nicaragua Primeros does perfectly. Look for the Davidoff Nicaragua Primeros in natural and maduro tins of six online at emersonscigars.com and in our 5 Hampton Roads locations.