Davidoff Cigars Limited Edition

New at Emerson’s Cigars, Davidoff Madison Ave and Year of the Horse!

Just in time for the holidays, Davidoff has released two limited edition cigars that are perfect for cigar aficionados everywhere, the Davidoff Of Geneva Madison Ave 25th Anniversary and the Year of the Horse.

Davidoff Madison Ave

Davidoff Of Geneva Madison Ave 25th Anniversary marks a quarter of a century of the Davidoff store on Madison Avenue in New York City. Only 1,500 10 count boxes of this toro sized cigar were produced with half going to the Davidoff Madison Avenue location and the other half going to select Davidoff retailers around the country. Wrapped with the Davidoff exclusive Yamasa tobacco, which is aged for 6 years and bound with 5 year old Ecuadorian tobacco, this cigar is a delicious, complex, full bodied cigar that satisfies tremendously and has one wishing for another. With wooden flavor and notes of bitter coffee with a sweet and spicy finish, Davidoff Of Geneva Madison Ave 25th Anniversary is an exceptional way for the company to commemorate such a momentous occasion.

Davidoff Year of the Horse

A follow up to the phenomenally successful Year of the Snake, Davidoff has released the limited edition Year of the Horse. Inspired by the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Horse, which exhibits the traits of quick-wit, sophistication and extroversion, the Year of the Horse is also a tribute to Zino Davidoff, whom was born under the Horse symbol. The Year of the Horse takes advantage of Davidoff’s exceptional Yamasa wrapper and Dominican binder and filler tobaccos to give enthusiasts an unforgettable experience. Presented in the Gran Toro format, a first of Davidoff Cigars, this cigar boasts a lively profile of peppery-sweet notes in the first third, while the second third is characterized by sweet and creamy notes with a soft pepper aroma. The cigar completes its odyssey in the final third with a perfect harmony of the flavors found in first and second thirds of the cigar. Presented in a collectable red lacquer box, the luxurious Year of the Horse is a limited Edition cigar with only 5,000 nine count boxes being produced. To quote Davidoff, the Year of the Horse is “the perfect gift to celebrate special occasions.”

Davidoff Of Geneva USA 25th Anniversary

In addition to these two cigars, Davidoff also released the Davidoff Of Geneva USA 25th Anniversary to celebrate twenty five wonderful years of Davidoff cigars in the United States. In order to ensure they had a cigar befitting of this achievement, Davidoff drew on their stock of extra aged Dominican tobaccos to create a timeless cigar. Limited to 3,000 ten count boxes and featuring Davidoff’s signature Yamasá wrapper, the Davidoff of Geneva 25th provides a unique and complex taste experience.

Look for these fantastic cigars from Davidoff at your favorite Emerson’s Cigars Hampton Roads location as well as emersonscigars.com. Hurry because these great cigars will not be around for long!