El Martillito: The Building of Padron Cigars
“Anything in life worth having is worth working for.” Jose Padron knows the meaning of this saying all too well. From modest beginnings and only 600 dollars, he has created one of the most well known and respected cigar companies in the industry, Padron Cigars. Through hard work, determination, skill, and use of one special hammer, El Martillito, Padron Cigars produces cigars that are a staple in most humidors. Known for phenomenal quality, one of a kind flavor and graceful simplicity Padron cigars are simply unforgettable.
The story of Padron Cigars is one filled with highs and lows, political strife, and even negations with a militant group. Through it all, Padron Cigars has always strived to succeed in a world filled with seemingly endless obstacles. The Padron family began making their mark in the world of tobacco in the middle of the 19th century with Jose’s grandfather, Damason Padron’s, arrival in Cuba from the Canary Islands. While in Cuba, the Padron family began growing tobacco in various regions of the island. After the nationalization of the tobacco industry in Cuba during the 1960’s, Jose left the country and eventually settled in Miami. In 1964, after two years of working as a gardener and carpenter, he saved 600 dollars to create Padron Cigar in Little Havana. In 1967, the company began using Nicaraguan tobacco and eventually moved to the country in 1970. Due to the tumultuous state of Nicaragua at the time, the factory was destroyed during a Civil War. Jose was not going to let the destruction of his factory prevent him from achieving his dream. With a tenacious spirit, he rebuilt the factory in Nicaragua and constructed a second factory in Honduras. With the completion of his two new factories, it appeared that things were going well for the company, until the Sandinistas took control of the country. Jose tackled this problem in a very unusual way. Instead of abandoning his factory and everything he had worked so hard to build, he negotiated with the Sandinistas to ensure production would resume uninterrupted.
By the 1980’s Padron Cigar had faced a crucible of challenges would have forced most companies to shutdown. They had survived a fire and a regime change, but the biggest challenge was yet to come. By 1985, tensions between the US and Nicaragua led to President Reagan enacting an embargo on Nicaragua. Not wanting to be forced out of business by government affairs, Jose moved as much tobacco as possible out of Nicaragua before the Embargo was signed into law. Once the embargo was lifted in the 1990’s the company resumed operations in Nicaragua. Through it all, Padron has created four great cigar lines and has grown into one of the most successful cigar manufactures in the world of cigars.
The Padron line is the one that started it all. With a variety of sizes and a phenomenal price point, these cigars have become a staple in humidors all over the world. Utilizing Nicaraguan tobacco that is aged for two and half years, these cigars feature a dynamic flavor profile that is earthy and smooth with a nutty finish. For a great twist on this already stellar cigar, the Nicaraguan maduro wrapper adds notes of espresso and cocoa making it a truly exemplary cigar.
While the Padron line could be considered the opening act of Padron Cigars, the Padron 1964 Anniversary Series is one of the company’s top sellers. Released in 1994 to celebrate the company’s 30 year anniversary, Padron 1964 utilizes Nicaraguan tobacco that has been carefully aged for 4 years. This aging gives the 1964 natural a smooth and complex profile of earth and cocoa with a nutty finish with just a touch of spice. The maduro rendition of the 1964 has a delectable profile of semi sweet dark chocolate, coffee bean, and earth with a subtle pepper finish. Available in a wide assortment of sizes, this cigar is a must have for anyone who enjoys a complex flavorful cigar.
The next act of Nicaraguan tobacco from Padron is called the Padron 1926 Serie. Homage to Jose Padron’s 75th birthday, this phenomenal full bodied cigar was released in 2002. While the Padron and 1964 lines are characterized by earthy and sweet notes, the 1926 has a flavor profile all its own. Utilizing tobacco that is aged for five years 1926 is available in natural and maduro wrappers, each having its own unique flavor. The natural variety is highlighted by pronounced pepper tone with a smooth earthy finish; while the maduro version is dominated by notes of dark chocolate, coffee, and earth with a pepper finish.
The final line that has been released by Padron can best be summarized as the product of time, delicate aging and outstanding quality. The Padron Family Reserve Line is the cream of the crop of what Padron Cigars has to offer. Best reserved for special occasions, or whenever an outstanding cigar is in order, the Family Reserve is produced in extremely limited quantities and uses tobacco that has been aged for 10 years. Whether it has a natural or maduro wrapper, a decade of aging has a profound impact on the tobacco and gives every cigar of the Family Reserve a unique and unforgettable taste.
Craftsmanship, attention to detail, and aging under a careful eye are just some of the ways that Padron Cigars is able to create such outstanding and memorable cigars. So whether it’s just celebrating the end of the day, or a once in a lifetime event, a cigar from Padron is the ideal way to commemorate the occasion.