Cigar 101: Lighting a Cigar
In the last installment of Cigar 101, we covered the various ways to properly cut a cigar. The next step after cutting is lighting. Just like cutting, lighting is an act that can drastically impact the quality of a cigar. Proper lighting allows the cigar to burn evenly and consistently, which will provide maximum enjoyment of the cigar.
The three main ways to light a cigar are matches, cedar spills and lighters. Matches produce a soft flame that will slowly heat up the cigar. If matches are being used, never use paper matches, it is best to use matches that have a long wooden stem. Make sure to let the sulfur tip burn completely before using a match to light the cigar to avoid any chemical taste to the cigar. While holding the cigar at a 45 degree angle, position the match so that the flame is about a 1/2 inch away from the foot of the cigar and slowly rotate until the cigar has a nice even burn across the foot. This process may require several matches to achieve a proper light.
Some cigar smokers prefer to use thin strips of cedar, known as spills, to light their cigars as well. Cedar spills give a nice cedar flavor to a cigar as it is being lit. The benefit of using of a long cedar spill is avoiding having to light multiple matches to properly light a cigar. Several companies offer cedar spills for purchase or one can use the thin pieces of cedar found inside of most cigar boxes. Simply take a one inch wide strip of cedar and fold it over a time or two to make your own spill. The process of lighting a cigar with a cedar spill is the same for lighting with a match. Hold the cigar at a 45 degree angle, keep the flame 1/2 inch away from the foot and slowly rotate the cigar until it produces an even burn across the foot.
The two types of lighters used for lighting a cigar are soft flame lighters and torches. Both types of lighters are fueled by butane, which is a clean burning fuel that will not impart any flavor on the cigar. It is never a good idea to use a Zippo lighter simply because the fluid used in these lighters has a strong odor that will impart on the cigar and alter the taste. The difference between a soft flame lighter and a torch lighter is the type of flame that is produced. Soft flame lighters will produce a flame similar to a match, while the torch lighters produce a super hot jet flame.
Both lighters have their advantages and disadvantages. Soft flame lighters slowly heat up the cigar, which will create a more aromatic smoking experience, but they are not wind resistant. Torch lighters are wind resistant, but quickly heat up the cigar, which can result in some loss of aromatics.
Regardless of which type of flame is used, the steps to lighting a cigar are the same. The first step is to create a toast on the foot of the cigar. Toasting the foot means that it is slowly burned by the lighter. In order to achieve a great toast it is important to never let the cigar come in direct contact with the flame; indirect heat from the flame will be enough to toast the cigar. With torch lighters, hold the cigar approximately 1 inch or more away from the lighter. With a soft flame, keep the cigar a 1/2 inch away from the flame. In order to ensure an even toast, hold the cigar at a 45 degree angle and slowly rotate while lighting. Once the foot of the cigar is evenly toasted, the smoker will take a few puffs on the cigar while still having the flame on the cigar. This act will slowly take the heat into the cigar, which will ensure a slow and even burn. While lighting a cigar it is important to remember not to burn anything besides the foot of the cigar. Charring the outside bottom portion of the wrapper will alter the taste of the cigar to an unpleasant smoky flavor.
Which style of lighter used depends on personal preference and location. A smoker outside on a windy day would not want to use a soft flame lighter, or matches because both will constantly go out during the lighting process. In terms of appearance, there is a lighter out there to suit any smoker’s style. Xikar has multiple lines of torch lighters sure to please any smoker’s style, while ST Dupont specializes in elegant soft flame lighters and torches. The Lamborghini Aero Lighter combines both a torch flame and a soft flame for a sleek, unique lighter. These lighters are available at our five locations as well as
Following these steps will ensure that the flavor and quality of the cigar are preserved for maximum enjoyment. The biggest key in lighting a cigar is to take it slow to create an even burn, the better the cigar starts, the better it will finish. Now that the cutting and lighting of the cigar are complete, it is time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the cigar, a topic which will be discussed in a later installment of Cigar 101.